New members - For online registration and payment go to https://sls.com.au/join/
See our new member guide below if you need more detail
Existing Members - For online registration and payment go to https://members.sls.com.au
Check your contact details are correct, renew membership and make payment
See our existing member guide below if you need more detail
Nippers register the same way as any other member (see new / existing members info above and detailed guides below)
Single Membership: $80 per member
For a full list of membership and other fees please see below
IMPORTANT: There must be at least one adult registered for a child or family group.
Thirroul SLSC Membership Fees
"How much membership costs"
Step 1: Existing or New Member?
Is the person being registered an existing member?
Note: If you are registering your child for the first time they will not be an existing member and you will need to follow the New Member guide before adding them to an existing family group
If you are registering a child, you must also register and pay for an adult membership
Existing Member > Go to Step 2A
New Member > Go to Step 2B
Step 2A: Renew Existing Membership or Family Membership
Login to your account at https://members.sls.com.au
Note 1: If you cannot remember your details use the “Forgot username or password” link
Note 2: If you get an error saying you don't have an account, follow steps for new members below > Go to Step 2B
Renew Membership
Renew Family Membership
Select the renew button under under the Family Group Renewal section
Select your family group and select the renew membership link
Tick each family member you’d like to renew
Enter any uniform orders
Check the member declaration forms, consent & accept terms and conditions
Renew Single Member
Select the RENEW button
Check details
Enter any uniform orders
Check the member declaration forms, consent & accept terms and conditions
Adding a member to a family
Select memberships / family from menu
Select view / edit
Select Add New Member (Note: the membership for this person needs to have been set up and approved)
Step 2B: Create New Member or Online Account
Join as a new member at https://sls.com.au/join/
Select the No/Join option
Select the Surf Life Saving button
Select the State = NSW
Enter the surf club “Thirroul”
Enter the details of the new member
Now click the “Select here to pay” link
Note 1: Once the member has been approved by Thirroul Surf Club you can add them to your family group
Note 2: If you receive an error saying that the member already exists, then you simply need to create the online member account by selecting the Yes option from https://sls.com.au/join/
Step 3: Make a Payment
Select the make payment button
Active Kids Vouchers can then be redeemed for a membership and a $30 uniform credit (note: please enter membership fee of $100). If you are not using an Active Kids Voucher, just select NEXT (do not enter amounts)
Enter the following transactions (use the Add another Transaction link to add further details):
Membership fee (see price list below). In the payment section, please put child surname if different from yours
Club Key purchase, Gym membership:
Please add a line item for each item
Set the transaction type - Swipe Key . Gym
Select the NEXT button
Enter payment details and submit payment
To purchase uniform, please visit https://www.thirroulsurfclub.com.au/shop
You are all done!
Click the image below do download the original file as a pdf with clickable links
How to Register
"A step-by-step guide to registration for new and existing members"
There are a number of other fees that vary based on whether you are an "Active" member or not. Active Members are patrollers, directors and principal office bearers. These fees can be paid when you join or renew, or you can pay at any time via the members portal. See Make a Payment page for details.
Competition Levy
No competition levy
Gym Fees
Non-Active Gym Membership Fee ($500) & Club Registration Fee ($80)
Pro-Rata fees: All existing members must renew by 30 September each year at $500. For new members joining during the year, the amount will be based on the quarter you join:
July - September inclusive: $500
October - December inclusive: $375
January - March inclusive: $250
April - June inclusive: $125
Swipe cards also required for new members
Electronic Swipe Card System - required to access Clubhouse
Upfront one-off payment for swipe card - $30
Board Storage Fee for non-active members
Board Storage Fee for one place - $250
For personal surf/paddle/rescue board/ski of any description
This is an annual fee payable with your membership registration
You will need to confirm prior to paying the Board Storage Fee that you have been allocated a storage space
When you make a payment please use:
Transaction type: Other
Payment details: First name Second name Storage Fee
Other Fees
"Non-membership fees"
For the 204/25 season, SLS have provided a cost of living support grant to help subsidise memberships. Inline with advice from SLS we have split this evenly between active patrollers and junior members who get a $25 discount this season.
Membership - $80 per person
Adult Member (Includes Nipper Parent/Guardian) - $80
Active Patrolling Members - $55 (with one-off $25 discount)
Nipper Member (5-14yrs - At least one adult member must join for each Nipper member) - $55 (with one-off $25 discount)
Youth Member (15-17yrs) - $55 (with one-off $25 discount)each Nipper member) - $55 (with one-off $25 discount)